Define availability on the booking site with opening hours

The availability on the booking site is defined by the opening hours on your resource. You can set default opening hours for each weekday when editing a resource. It is also possible to override the default opening hours by modifying opening hours on specific dates.

It's possible to add breaks by adding multiple sets of opening hours. Example: 09:00 to 12:00 and 12:30 to 15:00. You can add as many breaks as you want.

Default opening hours

Go to setup in the main menu then select resources. Click the edit icon for the resource that you want to set the default opening hours for.

Opening hours on specific dates

When viewing the calendar in week view there is a clock icon to the left of the "resources" button. Click this icon to open the form to edit opening hours for the selected week. This will allow you to override the default opening hours. You can specify a weekday as closed or enter new opening hours that differs from the default opening hours. When custom opening hours has been set it is also possible to reset the entire week to the default opening hours by clicking the "Reset" link.

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